We could all do with a little bit more patience in our lives. Modern society has not moulded us to be patient. With everything at a tap of a finger, now more than ever, we need to practice being patient not just for our own sanity, but for our nearest and dearest too. I have been working with being more patient over the last few weeks and it’s such a relief when you give yourself permission to relax and let go. 

Some of the smallest things can be SO grating whether it’s standing in the queue at Sainsbury’s, getting on public transport, walking behind a very slow person on a busy pavement, being patient when your family winds you up, or being patient with ourselves in reaching goals. It’s often the closest people to us who are on the receiving end of our impatience and being a little bit more patient will transform our relationships with others and our own internal relationship. 

I did a 10 day meditation recently with Headspace focusing on patience, which has really helped me manage and recognise when I’m being unnecessarily impatient. It’s such a relief to be able to let go of that feeling and to continue with whatever you’re doing without frowning, or tensing up in the body. 

The meditation trains you to recognise and note to yourself when your mind is wondering off on a tangent as ‘thinking’. By recognising that we’re thinking we become more aware of the patterns of our mind. When you’re feeling impatient, practice noting to yourself that what you’re feeling is just ‘impatience’, and then let it go (appreciate at times this is easier said then done). When our mind is boggled with negative thoughts its very easy to let it spiral. If we can become aware of when we’re spiralling and note that then it’s easier to let go and move on from the feeling. It takes practice but it really works and it feels so good to realise that you don’t have to be so tense. 

My favourite saying at the moment is ‘life is your own creation’, and if we want to be impatient we can be and if we choose to let go a little more, we can…..with practice. Half the time my thoughts get the better of me, but the other half my practice comes into action. 

If you’re out and about it’s pretty hard to drop to the floor and do yoga. But if you’ve had a long and stressful day, and you want some chill stretch time at home, I find the below poses soothing and calming. 



So simple and easy. Bend the knees and allow the torso to drape over the legs. The feet are hip distance apart, make sure the weight is spread evenly in the feet, and the knees track over the second toe. Either grab opposite elbows or let the arms dangle. Release the neck and allow the weight of the head to encourage the torso to lengthen as the hips lift. Option to interlace the hands behind the back. It’s a little bit more intense but a nice shoulder opener. 

HAPPY BABY (Ananda Balasana) 

In happy baby allow the lower back kiss the mat and at the same time the neck and shoulders to be soft. If holding the outside edges of the feet causes tension in the neck and shoulders, or the lower back to raise off the mat, then hold the ankles or further down the legs. Alternatively bring the knees wide and into the chest, placing your hands on top of the knees. Close the eyes breath and let go. 


Make a diamond shape with your legs and place the souls of your feet together. Your feet should be about half a metre or more from you pelvis. Bring your head towards your feet and round your back. Either place your hands either side of your feet, or grab your toes and gently draw yourself towards your feet. This pose is also great with a bolster so you can rest your head. Either place the bolster between your legs at an angle between your forehead and against the floor. 


Come to lying on your back, place the souls of your feet together, and let the knees fall out wide. For a slight chest opener you can place your arms above your head and grab opposite elbows. Alternatively place the right hand on the belly and left hand on the heart. If you start to feel discomfort in the hip flexors lengthen your legs, or place the souls of the feet on the ground and bend your knees. 


