I work with corporates as either an in-house coaching offering 1-1’s or I offer one off workshop packages. The 1-1’s are via zoom (or your preferred platform) and the workshops can either be online or in person.

I specialise in helping people manage and understand their stress and anxiety, become more emotionally attuned and intelligent, overcome beliefs and narratives that are stopping and blocking them, and help people build a positive relationship with themselves.

My mission is to help people with their mental wellbeing, empower people through understanding, and to feel more elevated from their core. When individuals work on themselves it has a ripple affect out into the space around them. 

Being able to manage your mind, your emotions and your reactions is fundamental for a good relationship with yourself and therefore with others. 

‘The weekly classes have become an essential aspect of self-care for our employees and helped them to prioritise their wellbeing and feel supported. The online classes are easy to join and always feel tailored to our needs and adapted to the level of the people who join. Jessica is clearly passionate about yoga and takes the time to explain and guide the practice, helping too ignite that same passion in others. We look forward to the positive physical and mental benefits each week and an opportunity to be present in the moment. We enthusiastically recommend Jessica!’


How I can support you ?


Working with individuals in a 1-1 coaching capacity to help them overcome fears, belief systems and anything that’s blocking them from moving forward and growing.

Online or LIVE Workshops

After an initial chat I tailor workshops to suit companies needs. The most popular topics are stress management, dealing with anxiety and overwhelm, boosting positivity and improving relationships.