I work with teachers 1-1 in a coaching and mentoring capacity to help them grow and excel so they can share their unique offering from a place of confidence and enjoyment.

I will help you figure out where you are going with your teacher career, what you’d like to priorities and how you’re going to get there. I will help you to find greater confidence and self-belief and to build on this through small acts of courage. I’ll help you to uncover limiting beliefs and narratives that are causing resistance and are holding you back.

I understand what it takes to stay on top of your mindset, to hold space for uncertainty, to have unwavering self-belief and to think beyond your current reality. Being a yoga teacher is a beautiful and wonderful job and the journey to becoming ‘successful’ (whatever that version is for you) will be your greatest teacher.

I am still on the journey and am learning every single day and I will wholeheartedly do everything I can to guide you to a place that you want to be.

“Jess is truly magical. In the few sessions I was lucky enough to have with her she opened my eyes to the power of meditation and visualisation. These are two things which I have always wanted to practice but I was never fully engaged with and really understanding of until my work with Jess.
The greatest gift Jess gave me was re-connecting me with my self-confidence and self-belief, through her engagingly led conversations and self-enquiry questions on the subjects and the compelling mindfulness practices she shared. Teaching me that self-confidence can be practiced, strengthened and tapped into. Jess taught me all this with wisdom, authenticity, humility and kindness, making it impossible for my experience with her not to be a success and opportunity for real self-growth! I feel like I take all the knowledge and guidance Jess shared around with me each day.”


What I can help you with


I understand what it’s like being a yoga teacher and feeling like you can’t afford mentoring but would love the guidance. For this reason I offer a concession rate of £65 to two mentees at a time. I ask mentees to commit to 6 sessions and we meet bi-weekly. Between sessions I am contactable via email to provide you with accountability, support and encouragement.

Interested in mentoring with me? Next steps…

  1. Book a 30 min intro call to see whether we’re the right fit.

  2. Confirm a time that we can meet bi-weekly for 60 minutes.

  3. Session one is a deep dive into you where we look at where you’re at, where you’d like to go and we set the foundation for the sessions ahead.

  4. The following sessions we begin to explore the journey to your vision. The actions you can begin to take to move towards that place, shift internally and show up differently in your life so you can live a life more in alignment with your truth.

 “I have been a student of Jess’s for a couple of years now and have always loved her positive, contagious energy. I love how she brings yoga philosophy to class in digestible chunks, which I can take into my every day life.

As a yoga teacher myself, I was inspired to ask Jess to be my Mentor to help take my yoga teaching and understanding of yoga philosophy to the next level. She has helped me get back into a regular self practise on the mat as well as re-inspired me to lean on affirmations and reflective journalling to help tune into my inner confidence and guide. Jess has reminded me how important it is to be non-judgemental and compassionate towards myself during periods of stuck-ness or change and how in essence, that is what yoga is all about!”