create the year you desire

I believe that we should be doing the below exercise over and over as the year unfolds. It’s actually a really fun thing to do to create and visualise the future you desire. More often then not we are projecting worries and fears into the future (I’m so guilty of this). Our thoughts create our reality and visualisation is a powerful tool to create the reality we desire.

Set aside 30 minutes to do the below.

Step 1 :

Write down and acknowledge all the things that you have achieved over the past year, and celebrate yourself! Celebrate the big things, the small things, surviving a pandemic, moving house, completing a course.… CELEBRATE yourself for a moment and relish in your achievements. Feel the positive energy in your body from celebrating yourself.

Step 2 :

Now think about the year ahead and write down what you’d like to achieve, where you’d like to be in 3 months, 6 months, even by the end of the year. Get as detailed as you can. What do you want to make of the year ahead? What do you want to create and manifest? With this in mind set 3 or so goals that are stepping stones towards the end goal or goals. What do you need to do to reach your most desired outcome.

Step 3 :

Now think about how it would feel to have all of what you desire already. You’ve already achieved it already. Write down and visualise how you’d look? How you’d act? and how you’d feel? This is a super important step to creating your future as we need to start feeling that way and believe that we can. We could be embodying the qualities of confidence, joy, love, abundance, courage, passion, inspiration etc.

Step 4 :

With the above in mind write down 3 affirmation that you can remind yourself of daily that help you shift your mindset into one that will support you in getting there.

E.g. I am courageous, I act from love, I see through the lens of abundance.  

Step 5:

Choose a song you love that you can listen to daily, and flash through your mind (daily) the year ahead, or the next few months, and all the steps you’re going to take that will lead you to your vision. Play it through your minds eye as if you’re doing it in the moment at hand. Feel in your body what it feels like to have achieve this already and add new bits to you visualisation as you get clearer on what you’d like to create.

I visualise to this song daily ‘Theory of Colours’ by Dauwd.

Below is a guided meditation that walks you through the above.

Of course things will change and evolve so be fluid and get creative. 


do you trust in life?
