do you trust in life?

It’s interesting to notice how much we’re responding from a place of fear rather than trust in our life. More often than not we naturally project into the future our worries and fears rather than abundant and positive thoughts. It’s very normal to visualise future scenarios from a place of fear but this is what creates anxiety and this is us not trusting in life. 

If we are seeing through this lens more often then not we are very much in our stress response and we’re feeding the anxious voice inside our head. 

I’ve really had to filter what information I’m absorbing daily. The daily news perpetuates so much fear, worry and anxiety. It’s designed to get us hooked in the drama and it triggers our nervous system and the negative loops in the mind. There is nothing soothing about the daily news. We need to stay informed of course but that is another discussion…

Begin to notice when you and your thoughts are responding from a place of fear or you’re feeling unsafe. Call it out when you notice….. We hold ourselves back so much because we are afraid. If we can lean more into TRUST and respond from that place, not only does it help keep anxiety and worry at bay, but it also helps us to expand. 

A cell is in two states EXPANSION or CONTRACTION. 

Fear = Contraction 

Trust = Expansion 

Not everything in life will pan out as we imagine or hope (not even close), but this is even more reason to TRUST. As life throws us curve balls how can we stay in the narrative of trust. 


We need to get familiar as to what it feels like in the body to be in a place of trust. We can do this in our meditation in the morning by bringing the feeling of TRUSTING IN LIFE into our body. (It’s easy to imagine something we’re feeling anxious about and to bring fear into our body, this is the same but bringing trust). 


Anything you are fearful of in your life and you’re projecting negative images into the future, begin to visualise your future self living out those situations in the most abundant and positive way instead. Doing this to a favourite song can be really helpful. 


What does it feel like in the body to have lived out that scenario already. Maybe it invokes feelings of trust, love, confidence, joy and abundance rather than fear, worry and anxiety. 

I also like to use affirmations to ground and anchor my mind in the moment especially if I’m catatrophizing. Place your hands on your heart and place the below words in your heart and see if they resonate with you. 

‘I trust that everything is as it should be’

‘I trust that things are unfolding as it should’ 

‘I trust in life’

‘I trust, I trust, I trust’

I often come to my affirmations randomly in the day to cut through negative loops in the mind.

Once you’ve done the above get a pen and paper out and write things down that you discovered. Get curious about what you’re afraid of, write down the opposing positive visualisation, and how it feels and looks in the body to have that already. 

Try this meditation to cultivate the feelings of trust and love within yourself.


6 daily self-care rituals to keep stress & anxiety at bay.


create the year you desire