5 reasons why TAKing UP a meditation practice will change your life.

I know there’s a lot of noise around starting a meditation practice. And look, I do believe for some people perhaps it’s not the right time to start for various reasons. BUT for the majority of YOU I promise you that over time you’ll benefit greatly from a regular practice. 

Here are my top 5 reasons why a regular meditation practice will change your life. 

  1. It gets you out of your head and connects you to your heart. When we become more connected to our heart we’re more connected to our intuition and to our truth.

  2. It slows down the thoughts in the mind so we can begin to see what is occupying our mind. What we want to unearth, what seeds we wish to plant and what we want to grow.

  3. It helps to cultivate greater awareness of ourselves and the stories that are occupying our mind. It gives us the inner strength to see the stories as stories rather than truth. 

  4. When we connect to the stillness within it becomes a place of refuge and inner sanctum. It becomes a place that we can always come back to to support us even in the most turbulent times.

  5. It gives us the power to choose how we react to things rather than our reactions being habitual. We become less swept away by our emotions and over time we find more power to choose our response. 

Fundamentally when we sit to meditate we are getting to know ourselves on a deeper level. This can be challenging at first but this really is what’s required in order for us to befriend our mind. 

If you’re interested to learn ways to befriend your mind you might be interest in the below 2 hour workshop I did called ‘Befriend Your Mind’. Hit the link below for the recording.

If you wish to try some of my meditations I have a yoga and meditation channel with 20+ meditations to explore. When you sign up the first 7 days are for FREE.


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