Reading your emotions

Your emotions are telling you something about you!

With some awareness and questioning you can start to learn from your emotions and use them as an inner guide. 

Using Emotions To Show You What You Desire 

Jealous, envy, comparison and judgment are things that many of us don’t want to feel and might even feel ashamed of feeling. They make us feel in lack and make us feel crap about ourselves. 

It’s not all bad!

If you are feeling jealous about something ask yourself what is that telling me about me? 

  • Maybe you’re insecure about something? And you need to work on overcoming this block.

  • Maybe you want the success that someone else has?

  • Maybe you need to figure boundaries and what fulfills you?

When I was a young yoga teacher I used to compare myself and judge others it used to make be feel in lack and really crappy. As soon as I took ownership of this and asked myself….

What is this telling me about me ? What is it that they are doing that I want?

I started to see some of my insecurities and I began to get clear on what I wanted, and what I needed to overcome within me. Once I got clear on this I then began to think about what I can do in the present moment to begin to move towards that place.

Don’t just feel something and accept it! The best gift you can give yourself is to question it

YOur emotional responses can help you figure things out. 

A 1-1 client was going through a hard time and it was making her slip into judgment. She was very aware of this and we chatted about it and I asked her ‘what is your judgment telling YOU?

She found it incredibly liberating as her judgment clearly told her two things. 

  1. that she needed to find time to relax more and have time to herself 

  2. to allow herself to have more fun in her life (in her current circumstance) 

Your judgment and ‘negative’ feelings don’t have to be a bad thing, they can help you take ownership of your stuff. 

Questioning your reactions and how someone is responding to you

This one can be a little triggering as every situation is different and this is only an invitation to investigate, not to take blame necessarily. 

If someone is treating you a certain way and you’re not sure why then ask yourself… 

  • What am I doing that’s contributing to this? 

  • What can I do differently to change the relationship? 

  • Is there anyway that I’m acting or thinking that is creating that response?

Depending on the situation, this can be really empowering way to heal relationships and to not just be a victim of circumstance, or to blame. When we are victim and when we blame we are giving our power away!

Using Your Emotions To Discover A Core Belief That’s Holding You Back

I used to get really nervous and anxious about public speaking, or holding meeting, presenting or doing anything where I had to present and be seen.

One day I asked myself, why do I have this reaction? I wasn’t born with this. 

I discovered that there were 2 main fears driving this reaction 

  1. A fear of looking stupid 

  2. A fear of being judged by people 

Once I figured that out, I asked myself, where these 2 fears came from. 

I had a belief that I come across stupid when I stand up and present myself. This belief stems from two things that happened when I was younger. 

  1. I remember at prep school comparing my grades to one of my best friends who was very academic and I was dyslexic and struggled when I was younger. She got lots of A’s and I got 1 A in sport. I remember being really sad and feeling stupid compared to her. 

  2. At secondary school on a Friday we were all going to be let out of class early if we spelt the word we had been given currently. I was the only one who spelt the word incorrectly and no one was allowed out. I felt so much shame. 

What began to happen is that my amygdala gland (the alarm bell of the brain that triggers the fear response) would fire when I was put into any similar situation. My nervousness and anxiety would be triggered because my fear response was trying to protect me from ‘danger’. In this case the fear of looking stupid. 

Now I don’t have this fear because I have done a lot of work to overcome it and soothe that part of me. 

It’s taken a lot of courage, and doing things anyway, but also rewiring my belief and internal narrative. 

Use the above examples to help you figure out your stuff.

If you want to dive deeper into yourself I have 2 ways you can work with me.

  1. I run a 16 week course called Elevate Your Life annually starting on Sunday 24th March.

  2. You can work with me 1-1. I offer everyone who is interested a FREE 90 minute coaching session.




The 2 Different types of fear