How to see your resistance and overcome blocks? 

We are the only ones that get in our own way. If we want to move towards something in life, or act a certain way, or something isn’t happening for us, it’s because of what we are creating for ourselves. 

We have to take ownership of this! Instead of blaming and being a victim of circumstance, we have take ownership of our energy, our thoughts, our beliefs and have a vision of what we want to create and move towards. 

Do you visualise the future and what you want to create? 

Do you project possibility and opportunity ? Or do you project fear and worry? 

Are you aware of how your thoughts are making you feel and how they hold you back? 

I have been on a real journey over the last couple of years of taking my future into my own hands. I went through great changes in my life, and for me, I saw this, as an opportunity to get creative with my imagination, learn new things and build a new way of being.

My greatest learning is that it’s so important we have a clear understanding of what it is we want to create for ourselves and our life, so we can move in the right direction. The journey might not be linear but it’ll be the right direction.

Ask yourself

  • What inner feeling do I want to create for myself?

  • How do I want to feel each day?

  • How do I want to approach things and people? 

  • What vision do you want to create for your life?

  • What are you moving towards?

  • What is going to help you feel the above? 

It’s so important to ask ourselves these questions as only when we really know this can we see the space between us and our vision. 

The vision of what we want to create for ourselves and our lives is an energetic anchor for us to move towards. We then have to figure out what is getting in the way of us having that right now. This is usually two-fold. 

  1. Our self-limiting beliefs - this is a big one 

  2. Practical things e.g. qualifications, changing jobs etc.

Try this practice to help you see your blocks and resistance.

Sit in a seated meditation position 

  • Ground your energy 

  • Visualise your future self maybe 1 year from now in the vision of what you want to create. 

  • Get into how it feels in your body to have the vision already. Do you feel creative? More confident? More grounded? More positive? Have more self-belief? 

  • Get really clear on your vision and the feeling it creates within. 

  • Now ask yourself what is getting in the way of me having that vision right now? 

  • Write down everything that comes up. 

  • Contemplate what action you can take today to start to move you towards that vision. Be kind to yourself because it could take a few years to get to your dream outcome and that’s ok, and it certainly won’t be a linear process, but the important thing is that you’re moving towards it! 

Everyday visualise your vision and start to visualise the actions you’re going to take to move towards it. Start to invite into your body, each day, the energy you wish to be and wish to cultivate, and see if you can begin to respond to your life from that place. 

Go a little further 


Think about what you want to create and how you want to feel. Buy a load of magazines to look through and if you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for you can always print it off. Put it somewhere that you can see everyday. It will begin to address subconscious fears so when they crop up to try and stop you moving forward, one you notice and two you don’t shy away.

If the above speaks to you check out the NEW 12 week course I’ve just launched called ELEVATE YOUR LIFE.


The 2 Different types of fear


why do we need to work on grounding?